The World Is Changing And So Are We!

For the last 25 years the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. We are excited to share that CTI is now the Co-Active Training Institute: creating a new language of leadership


Wherever you are in discovering CTI on your leadership journey, we are so excited you’re here and can’t wait to work with you in creating a new way of leading for the future.


In-House Co-Active Workshops

Bringing In-House workshops to you

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The Benefits of Co-Active in Organizations

Empowering organizations to meet the development needs of their people, while creating a workforce that's connected, performing, and growth-oriented. Read about the ways Co-Active can make a difference.


Fundamentals of Co-Active Coaching

During this workshop, you will experience a transformative, hands-on introduction to the skills and techniques of Co-Active Coaching. The emphasis on small group training and the Co-Leader approach will provide ample opportunity for personalized feedback and guidance from our experienced trainers.

2.5 OR 3 DAYS


Co-Active Coaching Skills for Business Leaders

Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the power of coaching as an effective, high Return vehicle for unlocking intrinsic human potential.

Co-Active Coaching Skills is an experiential learning program that dramatically enhances the relationship between leader and team members, providing participants with practical experience to integrate Selfawareness and best-practice coaching skills into their leadership style. This course is designed for HR Professionals, Senior Leaders, High Potentials and Managers across business units. Individual coaching sessions postworkshop sustain learning and foster behavior Change.

2,2.5 OR 3 DAYS


Standard Internal Co-Active Coaching Training (SICC)

This five-module hands-on training program provides learners with a deep and powerful understanding of the techniques and skills of Co-Active Coaching. The focus is on participation and practical experience rather than lectures, with numerous opportunities to coach and receive feedback on acquired coaching skills. In the end, learners will be better equipped to respond to a wide range of coaches and coaching situations with creativity, confidence, and power. At the end of this program, participants are eligible to be enrolled in the certification program towards achieving the Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) Designation.

5 MODULES | 104 HOURS | 14.5 DAYS


Accelerated Internal Co-Active Coach (AICC)

This accelerated three-module learning program is designed for those who informally coach in organizations and have never received formal coach training. This contextually-based program provides participants with 60 hours of coach-specific training, which fulfills the minimum training requirements for an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF). These hours also contribute towards a CPCC, with the addition of Process and Synergy courses.


Speak to a program advisor or one of our faculty to understand the
potential of Co-Active in your organization.

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A Business Case for Co-Active Coach Training

“Coaching is not a warm and fuzzy mandate that is nice to have. Analysis of 4,000 managers reveals that direct reports of effective coaches outperform the direct reports of ineffective coaches by 25%. And beyond outperforming their peers, these individuals pose significantly lower retention risk–on average they are 40% less likely to leave their organization. Put simply, the direct reports of effective coaches perform better and stay longer.”

The Corporate Executive Board | Learning and Development Roundtable
