The World Is Changing And So Are We!

For the last 25 years the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. We are excited to share that CTI is now the Co-Active Training Institute: creating a new language of leadership


Wherever you are in discovering CTI on your leadership journey, we are so excited you’re here and can’t wait to work with you in creating a new way of leading for the future.


The Coaching Journey

The Co-Active coaching journey combines self-discovery and skill development to empower individuals, fostering growth and positive change in personal and professional relationships. This transformative process promotes deeper self-understanding and lasting impact, enhancing fulfillment and purpose in life for aspiring coaches and those seeking personal growth.

The Co-Active Difference

The Co-Active coaching journey combines self-discovery and skill development to empower individuals, fostering growth and positive change in personal and professional relationships. This transformative process promotes deeper self-understanding and lasting impact, enhancing fulfillment and purpose in life for aspiring coaches and those seeking personal growth.

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Co-Active Professional Coach Training

The Co-Active coaching journey combines self-discovery and skill development to empower individuals, fostering growth and positive change in personal and professional relationships. This transformative process promotes deeper self-understanding and lasting impact, enhancing fulfillment and purpose in life for aspiring coaches and those seeking personal growth.

Coach Training

01 Fundamentals

02 Fulfillment

03 Balance

04 Process

05 Synergy

Professional Certification (6 months)

Once you’ve completed Co-Active Fundamentals and all the intermediate coach training courses (Fulfillment, Balance, Process and Synergy), you are eligible to continue on to Certified Professional Co-Active Coach Certification. This is a virtual (online) program with the same cohort of students for 6 months.


The International Coach Federation, established in 1995, is the worldwide leader dedicated to advancement of the coaching profession through specifying high standards, providing independent certification, and developing a global network of credentialed coaches.

Our CTI founders’ involvement with the ICF from its very inception has resulted in a significant influence on the industry, including much of the ICF framework of coaching competencies and ethics. CTI was the very first coach training organization to be accredited by the ICF. Each of our core courses is accredited and our full program, which consists of the core courses and certification, is an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).
